Gospel Communites Living
at the Threshold Between
the Church and Real Life
The School of Unlearning
LESSON ONE: The Good News of Salvation
The message of the Gospel seems like something about which all Christians should agree. However, as this video illustrates, the message can be presented from the perspective of what may seem like eternal fire insurance or from the perspective of God's (Jesus') love for all humanity. Using two chairs as props, Brian Zahnd illustrates the simple difference that A Beautiful Gospel reveals about God and his story of salvation. When we unlearn the picture of God that portrays him as turning away from us in our sinfulness, we are able to find the beauty of how God's love permeates our human condition.
Why is this difference important? The Gospel creates the way that we develop our relationship with God and frame our understanding of salvation. If we view God as wrathful, we will live in bondage to our sinfulness and continually strive to appease him in futility. However, the beautiful good news of a loving God who pursues us allows us to live in the beauty of God's will. Can you believe this picture of the good news?
LESSON TWO: Whole Church Whole Gospel Whole World
Text under construction: Whole Church Whole Gospel Whole World.
LESSON THREE: What Constitutes a Real Church?
Text under construction: What Constitutes a Real Church?
LESSON FOUR: Jesus-Centered Community
Text under construction: A Jesus-Centered Community